Sunday, May 15, 2011

L E N S B A B Y on InfraRed ~ Alternative Photography on Alternative Photography

[Click on the above title to go into the post]

Oh... what loveliness a Lensbaby doth
on InfraRed photographs!

[This was originally posted on ClubSNAP on the 15th May 2011]

Like many of the experienced shooters before me, I have also recently been drawn to the (almost tilt-shift) effects of the Lensbaby.
It is, in its very nature and very much like IR, an alternative photography. And when used together with IR photos, I felt that it brings out (again the use of the cliche word) the surreality of the scene.

Friday, April 15, 2011

E V E R E S T . T R E K . In InfraRed

[Click on the above title to go into the post]
Seeing the Everest Panorama Trek through the InfraRed lens.

[This was originally posted in ClubSNAP on 15 April 2011]

Everest Panorama Trek, Nepal.
With SgTrekker 17-26 Mar 2011

Both SereneXMM and I joined this most unforgettable trek on Everest Country, Nepal. We had a great team of buddies and wonderful companions for this tough climb. Due to weight issue, we didn't bring our full load of equipment. Thus I only had my 535nm modified Canon 20D as my IR camera.
But I told myself, whatever it was, I was going to bring back some IR photos of the Everest Country and Mount Everest.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Some Strange Old Dilapidated House... somewhere near Singapore...

[Click on the above title to go into the post]
The Grand Old House that could not be named*.
* Because no one is supposed to be trespassing there.

This was originally posted on 6th March 2011 on ClubSNAP.

[Addendum: Not long after this, the old Tyersall House, or whatever it was named, was torn down...]