Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Abandoned Railway Track ~ IR 2 Apr 2010

[Click on the above title to go into the post]

The boys at ClubSNAP organised an IR photography outing and I couldn't remember who it was but someone suggested the old abandoned railway track at Clementi near Sunset Way.
Now that was a great place to shoot IR photographs.
And I started a thread in which several of the members namely Richard (LowLights), Kai Sing (vngks) and Alex (AlexK) contributed their works for the day.  A very very good start to our IR group and the beginning of many more IR outings to come.

The East in Surreality ~ IR [limwhow]

[Click on the above title to go into the post]

This year of 2010 is the year in which my IR fever reached a peak.
I shot almost nothing but IR.
Every moment of my waking time, I saw IR, I thought IR, I breathed IR and I shit IR.
Unbelievable was my passion for this genre of photography.

And when I found that the Tokina fisheye 10-17mm was THE lens for my Canon 20D R72 IR-modified camera, I grabbed it and started shooting.
And boy, did I play with this combination.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Supreme Court walk ~ IR

[Click on the above title to go into the post]
My confidence level grew as I played with Photoshop, and my eyes began to be trained to look for the right kind of conditions to shoot IR pictures.
And on this day Serene and I went shooting around the Supreme Court area.